We are under going a WHOLE HOUSE flooring renovation - actually the craft room/den flooring (cork plank) and the kids bathroom floor (travertine tile) are not being redone but everything else is!
So the whole family is holed up in one small room most of the time and when the workmen leave we have limited access to the rest of the house.
I'm always forgetting to take before and after photos but today I remembered to take some BEFORE shots - well not really before before but before the new stuff is put in. I guess they are more like DURING shots!
Here are some photos of my first floor - the tile has been ripped out and new tile will be laid over the next week and a bit.
Front entrance:
Family Room:
In the meantime I am printing up some digital images to colour (from Mo Manning, Kimprints, Digi Stamp Characters and Michelle Perkett) and brushing up on my Photoshop skills!
So jealous! The carpet in our place is crap builder grade crap. It's ... crappy and tatttered and horrid. My new craft room has bamboo, and that's being carried into most of the basement....Ahhhh. The crap carpet is going as soon as we can afford to pull it up and put down hardwood. I have declared so. :D