Tuesday, May 22, 2007

BEFORE Photos!

I'm in the "crunch time" now before the painters come tomorrow morning AND I actually remembered to take some before photos!!

Here is where the bookcases were in the family room. This room will be repainted a similiar colour but in a much deeper tone. It's call Kauai Jungle by Ralph Lauren.

and this is how much stuff I took out of it.

Really there were more boxes but I'm giving away a ton of stuff and this is all that I am going to keep. It's hard to believe that this was all in 3 bookcases but it did take me HOURS yesterday to pack this up!

The following BEFORE photos are from my living room & dining room. I bought the little testers and put them up on the walls in areas where the light changes to help me decide which colour to paint. You can see the colour we chose on the first photo - it's the one in the middle.

Some of the features of the room are the natural stone fireplace, oxblood red leather chairs in the living room and the chocolate brown drapes in the dining room (shown in the above photo).

Here is a shot of my daughter's messy room and the colours we were debating. In the end she chose something from the paint chip fan - a nice mellow yellow.

Here are a couple of photos of the kids bathroom. The walls were stripped of the wallpaper last year but that's as far as I got. In a couple of days the walls will be a nice warm ARIZONA TAN colour. The black and white shower curtain will stay as well as the medicine cabinet.

Well I should really get off the computer and pack up the lamps, paintings and other objects d'arts (i.e., all the crap in the room that is not furniture!)
I will try and remember to post AFTER photos next week!

1 comment:

  1. Are there photo's of the finished product??

    btw : love those chairs you spray painted. We just did our patio set this summer to avoid throwing it out.
