Monday, September 29, 2014

Craft Fair Season Begins!

Monday, Sept 29, 2014

Craft Fair Holiday Season will be starting for me this coming weekend.

I'll be selling my crochet at the West Vancouver Community Centre Pumpkin Fest Artisan Market this coming Sunday, Oct 5 from 10 am to 3 pm.

I've been working all year - crocheting a little at a time - to prepare for this.

If you bought some of my crochet in the past - hats, scarves, gloves, headbands, boot toppers - or if you missed out please stop by and say Hi!

You might find the perfect handmade gift for someone or something you love!

I'll have more of the same and this year I'm adding a different patterned scarf and some beards!

Yes you read that correctly - crochet BEARDS!!

Here's my brother-in-law Mark wearing his.  It looks so natural on him doesn't it?

These are fun for dress up, halloween, or make great face warmers.

See you there!