I was going to call this post "Buy it when you see it!" but decided to call it Faux Birch Candles instead.
Here's what happened....
I saw some birch posts at Thrifty's weeks ago - I think they were like $10 maybe less for a bunch - and I didn't buy them because I didn't want to put them in my front planters like this...
I saw some awesome birch pillars at Home Sense for $12.99 each a week ago but didn't buy them because I had no where to put them.
They looked something like this...
Now fast forward a week and try to follow along....
I moved my living room furniture around to accommodate the Christmas tree and ended up with a narrow sofa table with nowhere to go.
So I moved that in to my family room.
To accommodate the seasonal garland on the fireplace mantle in the family room, I moved a pair of hurricane lamps on to the newly located narrow sofa table - from living room.
But the old green candles in the hurricane lamps had seen better days and my DH complained about how shabby they looked.

On the high fireplace mantle they were ok but now they are lower and more visible.
So off I went last night - yes on December 23rd I'm still shopping - to try and find something suitable.
I cruised the aisles of all the stores that are now open until 11 pm to see if I could find something nice to put in these hurricane lamps. But found nothing except for one or two pretty holiday candles - all on sale of course - but no MATCHING pairs.
I was thinking that the old green candles would have to make do until I could find something in the new year.
Kicking myself.....Boy those birch pillars I saw - now gone of course - would have been PERFECT!!!
Then I had a light bulb moment - I could make my own birch pillars!
I already had some matching light coloured pillar candles and I have a ton of digital scrap paper.
I actually found some nice birch paper that is perfect! So I printed off 2 pages and measured and cut and measured again and cut again and finally came up with this....
What do you think?
Here's how they look in the hurricane lamps...
They look ok don't they? I think they are great!
BUT you know next year I'm going to buy the birch posts when I see them and also any birch pillars I can find!!
I just hope I remember.....
Happy holidays to everyone and thanks for still reading my blog!