How are your holiday preparations going? Are you ready?
Have you been crafting up a storm to give your special loved ones some handmade gifts?
This holiday season I've been super busy rekindling my love of YARN.
I have been knitting and crocheting for years and I think it's the perfect craft to take along with you. Especially if you've got kids who play sports in indoor facilities - like volleyball and basketball tournaments or waiting in the car for them to get out of their activities.
It's great for kids to learn to knit and crochet too. When I was 10 my aunt's friend from Paris came to stay with us and she taught me how to crochet with yarn, my other aunt taught me how to crochet with cotton thread. After that, learning to knit came easy for me and I've even taught some basic kids knitting classes using a knitting tool.
And it's easy to pick up and put away - for years if needed - yarn and needles do not expire!
Last year I made myself a crochet flower pin and enjoyed it so much that I made a bunch and sold them. I ended up having 3 different kinds of crochet flowers so I wouldn't get too bored. Here's a photo of one of them.
I had some flowers leftover this season so I decided to make some hats and added the flowers to them.
Then I started making scarves, and then I made a few toques and then I just couldn't stop myself. I became I crochet machine!
I had some set aside for gifts but I made so many that I decided to participate in a few craft fairs and sell them. Here I am at the Makers Market on December 1st.
As well as making & selling my own stuff I've been going to a quite a few craft fairs this season and picking up some "not Marie made" stuff.
My friends and I were just at Got Craft! on the weekend and I got some awesome stuff - a Mozzarella making kit, a jar of Tomato jam, a BuBu bag, some chocolate trufle cookies and some cards (yes I do buy cards from local vendors!).
If you've looking for some "not from the mall" gifts you need to check out your local craft fairs and help support your local artisans.
There are 2 more craft fairs coming up in my area - The Great Canadian Craft Fair and Last Chance Christmas Craft Fair.
To see a listing of craft events "Around Town" (in the Vancouver area) please click HERE.
If you're local and looking for some awesome handmade stuff you need to check them out!